Apollo Managed Care Code of Ethics (“Code”) contains key policies for ethical and legal business conduct. This Code describes what is expected of all individuals under the domain of Apollo Managed Care related to legal requirements and the company’s expectations regarding ethical and professional behavior.
Apollo Managed Care is strongly committed to conducting our business affairs with honesty and integrity and in full compliance with all written policies and procedures, applicable laws, rules and regulations. No employee, officer, or independent contractor of Apollo Managed Care shall commit an illegal or unethical act, or instruct others to do so, for any reason.
Apollo Managed Care and its representatives do not promote any services or products which make claims that are knowingly misleading or false, or promote ineffective or dangerous products, or make claims of therapeutic effects that are not supported by scientific evidence.
Apollo Managed Care does not approve advertisements or sponsored content to be published on the website or on the end-user portal.
It is the policy of Apollo Managed Care that all employees avoid any conflict between their personal interests and those of the Organization. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Organization's honesty and integrity, and therefore its reputation, are not compromised. The fundamental principle guiding this policy is that no employee should have, or appear to have, personal interests or relationships that actually or potentially conflict with the best interests of the Organization.
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